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Not just another brand! Before Nexus Audio, we had many years of experience, running a brick-and-mortar store and so we know what we had to offer could not just be another box but it had to offer something unique to a shop's portfolio.


This is what we set out to achieve with our offerings, from omnidirectional speakers to single-drive unit crossoverless designs we have picked a range of products that offer something unique to the UK market and your customers, but also are exceptional in their musical performance.



A unique Range of brands offered

Warehousing Facilities available to reduce your storage burdens

Extensive range of loan stock available

Help with logistics of installations

Events and Reviews to promote brand awareness and drive in-store traffic.



Why Nexus?


The Quality of our represented brands speaks for itself, with prominent reviews in many outlets we aim to make obtaining these brands easy and frictionless, enabling our Retailers to make sales with a fast supply chain. We aim to please and so can assist with logists of installations and help with exposure on social medias and support at events.

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